Tantum Verde (Eucalyptus)

15,50 лв.

Tantum Verde is a popular throat medication that provides relief from sore throat pain and inflammation. It contains benzydamine, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent that helps soothe the throat, reduce swelling, and alleviate pain caused by infections or irritation. Tantum Verde is available in various forms, including lozenges, sprays, and gargles, making it versatile for […]


Tantum Verde is a popular throat medication that provides relief from sore throat pain and inflammation. It contains benzydamine, an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent that helps soothe the throat, reduce swelling, and alleviate pain caused by infections or irritation. Tantum Verde is available in various forms, including lozenges, sprays, and gargles, making it versatile for treating throat discomfort.


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